Camilla Duchess of Cornwall's greatest chance at success is to tie her personal fortunes to an endeavor that makes the world a better place for others. The more she gives, the bigger is her reward, and the most successful and satisfying road for her is sharing and sacrificing for the larger goal, without expecting anything in return. The Duchess of Cornwall must learn to let go of material possessions and relationships because holding on too tightly to anything causes her pain. This is Camilla's life-lesson - to accept the natural limitations of the world and its habitants in order to make it possible for her to enjoy life more fully. She is often disappointed by the realities of life, her own shortcomings, and those of others, and is relentlessly driven to improve upon it all - striving for greater accomplishments. She can also become timid, uncertain, and ungrateful, putting the blame for her troubles on others or the world. When not in harmony with her true nature, Camilla can fall to moodiness, or become aloof, and withdrawn. Charles and Camilla visit tributes to Prince Philip in first joint. However, due to her strong social consciousness - she can be an effective politician, lawyer, judge, minister, teacher, healer, environmentalist or in any other vocation that carries a clear social impact.Ĭamilla Duchess of Cornwall has a romantic personality, but her love is more impersonal as she tends to be focused on her dreams instead. EMBARGOED TO 1100 THURSDAY APRIL 15 The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall visit. Interior decorating, landscape art or photography can be the sort of fields in which Camilla's imagination and creativity can harmoniously arrange the beauty already potential in the environment. She is a true egalitarian, rarely prejudiced and would not accept social biases of people. Consequently, Camilla evaluates people on the basis of what they can do for the larger cause. Last year, at the height of the pandemic, the Duchess of Cornwall shared two personally curated reading lists in an effort to offer a little 'comfort' to those struggling with isolation. That is why Camilla Duchess of Cornwall attracts people who can fit into her larger plans and take over the areas she considers uninteresting. Her broad outlook on life allows The Duchess of Cornwall to see the big picture, and to often shy away from dealing with the minute details. She has a utopian personality, and will spend her life trying to realize some aspect of her utopian dream, sacrificing money, time, and energy for a better world. She was born on Thursday July 17th 1947, in London, England.Ĭamilla Duchess of Cornwall is the philanthropist and humanitarian who is deeply concerned about the state of the world, for which she has great compassion and idealism. Who is Camilla Duchess of Cornwall? She is a British royalty who was born into a gentry family, and the 2nd wife of Charles, Prince of Wales - the heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II, and whose title is styled as Duchess of Cornwall to avoid association with his first wife, Princess Diana.